Photo Reports / Freelance, Photography with Passion

Retirement boss with Adolf W. Unger Photographie

Worked as a ...

Seles doctorate at Promotion Nikon System D - Z

Photographer Sport at Federación Dominicana de Surfing - Fedosurf

College instructor at Unger, Photography and digital image processing workshops

Lecturer for photography and digital image processing at VHS HOCHSCHULE Wedemark/Burgdorf and Seelze/Ronnenberg

1st Seller at Photo - Wüstefeld - Berlin (Photo - Leistenschneider)

Photographer at Neue Presse Hannover / NP

Photographer at Bild Sport

Calumet Photo Germany / PPS

From Celle / Germany 




Photos of the first years. The photo of the BMW 2000cs was my first photo sold in 1964. A very small selection of photos that were printed in newspapers and magazines. 4 photos of photo equipment. and studio